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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Boy Genius

My oldest boy Tommy is ridiculously bright. He taught himself to read when he was 2 (that's him in the photo, around the age he started to read). His IQ is way up there (much higher than mine). But it's important to remain humble, and Tommy is, because he has discovered that no matter how smart you are, there's always somebody smarter. Tommy thinks his best friend is smarter than he is, and he very well may be.

And this boy is smarter too.

Way smarter. Very, very impressive kid.

The description of what that boy was like when he was even younger is something that every parent of a bright child should read. It sure brought back memories for me. These kids are so different when they are really young; there isn't a parent alive that wouldn't be completely freaked out by it. But it does get better, and often it's those things that make them different (and in some cases...really, really different) that develop into the things that make them special.

They'll never be normal or typical, and it's the parent's job to realize that and adjust. Not the kid's. Sounds to me like his parents are doing a very good job of that. I give them credit because I know how hard that can be. Tommy is 15 now, and we're still struggling with it.

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