Please lets just keep this thread about the response and not "But how is it generic. . ." "Apple didn't create App. . ." "Well Amazon is right it's generic. . ."
I don't think it's generic that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. I'm moving on.
A lot of thought went into your opinion, and it was a good read (I agree with a lot of it), but I have a slight problem with point 5. Not a big problem, just a slight one. :)
I have a 30GB iPod video, and I do enjoy watching movies and tv shows on it. I also have what I think is a ton of content on it (all 3 LOTR movies extended editions, 150 eps. of various Star Trek episodes, a couple of Star Trek movies, all 3 star wars movies, all 3 Indiana Jones movies, about 30 eps. of Kids in the Hall, Akira, a few episodes of Deadwood, 5 or 6 other movies [not pr0n :) ] and about 30 music videos) and I still have 8gigs of space left on the drive.
I have no problem watching movies on the small screen. I enjoy it, but that's my opinion. I find there's plenty of space on the drive for tons of content, but you may look at that and say that's not a lot.
I will however, very much look forward to a widescreen iPod video. I hope it comes out on the 12th, but I don't think it will. We'll see.
Correction: You mean 2.66 GHz 4 Core chips versus 3.0 GHz 2 Core chips.
Woodcrest is a dual-core chip, Clovertown is 4. The Mac Pro uses 2 Woodcrests for 4 cores, a Mac Pro with 2 Clovertowns has 8 cores.
Since I'm home for the evening and didn't see your post until now, I can't give you any specific side-by-side tests, but I can give you a rough estimate of the speeds.
Overall, the Dual G5 is faster, not by a landslide by any means, but it is faster. Of course the G5 has 1.5 gigs of RAM vs. the mini's 512K, and the G5 has a 1Ghz BUS speed vs. the 667Mhz of the mini. If I were to slap in 2 gigs of RAM in to the mini then I'm sure I would see a little more performance, but I think the G5 would still be faster.
But the mini is still very zippy, no beachballs or waiting on Apps, very fast and clean for average use. Now if I were to do some Photoshop or, say, FCP comparisons, I'm sure the G5 would clean up in those areas.
I'm really happy with the purchase though, it's perfect for what I need it to do.
Oh, I installed Windows XP via BootCamp and after having to burn an illegal copy of my legal disc (the retail disc was bad) I got it running with no problems. I must say, this mini is the fastest Windows machine I've ever had.
At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p
Well that explains their new police cars lol
I am just bummed that the game part of it blows. Of course the sim part is pretty damn good. AI....blows. Still, its all about the online for me. I'll hit you up for some online play. I don't remember my PSN identity atm...
Perhaps when you first start up the computer they can have a "Do you want iOS mode or Fanboy mode?"
Theres movies on Blu-Ray already.. and you can buy discs to burn too already... I think a BTO option is perfectly reasonable.
Erm... So you're calling a slightly reheated Toshiba Gigabeat-POS with pseudo-WiFi (sure, it may be fully enabled in the future, but with a screen with that resolution, it'd be preety much useless) a "moderately high ante"?
I'm figuring they are getting more and more stupid, each and every day that passes. Read a bit of Daniel Eran's RoughlyDrafted Magazine (, and you'll know what I mean by "stupid"...
And by the way, there's already a "Gates' sucessor", and I'm talking about the CEO title, not the Chairman... Come to think about it, Ballmer is already a "chair-man" of sorts... :D And we all know how smart that guy is. :rolleyes:
Being 14 and stupid FTW?
My parents would've shot me if I'd tried to drop that much $$$ on a computer when I was 14.
As it was, my dad was a little bothered I spent $1400 on a year-old MBP in 2008. But that was when the base MBP was $2k, so it was actually a really good deal :D
And then that Tuesday, the new models came out :p
For heavens sake give it a nice GPU!!!!!!!!:eek:
At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p
Works for me. I prefer it over the alternative of making it somewhere else and having prices that are even higher.
Why dont you get the computer you want now and in 6 months shell out the extra few bucks for Leopard.
$129 ain't cheap, especially if it's not long after you shelled out for a computer. I wish Apple would announce a window of free OS upgrades for people buying computers after a certian date.
I bet at the Developer's conference that Adobe and Microsoft announce Universal Binaries for September.
Unlikely since Adobe has already announced for next spring. And that release is for both OSX and windows, not going to get pushed up much.
No - they are actually losing market share.
They may be losing a little desktop market share (or maybe not), but they're probably gaining notebook market share, and market share overall.
Does anybody think the stock pricing in the last 3 days was insider trading that indicated the coming good results.
I hope not, since that could put them in jail. All publically traded companies have a blackout period before announcements where no employees are allowed to buy or sell.
Bigadv are still more ppd but on win side many people are switching to SMP2 because the a3 core is quite fast on 4 cores (8 virtual).
Soon bigadv units are switching to a3 core also. I would then hope that we will not be loosing units due to restart or power loss or network switching as the a3 core is now threaded.
thanks for that info!
well i'm away from my computers for the next 2 months, and it looks like already something is wrong. i've had no points for the last 3 updates, so i either had a power outage or network failure. but my server is still working though.
Actually I just wiped the inside of the case a bit with sandpaper and the watermarks are mostly eliminated. It basically looks like I brush metaled the iPod without actually doing so. It'll probably scratch the hell out of my iPod if I leave in for too long but I figure I'm never rocking this thing naked anyway so might as well.
Those clear cases are pretty bad. They don't fit my iPod Touches at all. Shame I wasted $6 on them ($3 x 2). Any recommendation guys?
Yeah they're not that great, but it does keep it pretty safe for a cheap temporary case. Its very hard to squeeze into when you first get it, but once you do, the case loosens. A little too loose actually.
So personally, I think this is a very simple yet very effective change to make to OS X and should be a welcome sign of the things to come in Lion!
That's probably the most unreliable function in Windows. It's an afterthought that was pieced together when they realised they can't count on sw developers to provide an uninstall app for their sw
Coupes are for anti-social people. IMNSHO.
And two-seaters?? :eek: Well, let's not go there.
When the iPhone 5 comes out, I guarantee there will be stories published about signal issues with it. It's now the standard playbook to use against Apple, and the media goes along with it.
I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.
But I wish they would not feed the anti-Apple FUD playbook. Yes, Apple absolutely should be called out for a design flaw, one that they are going to fix, but let's not blow it out of proportion the way it was. And let's not be hypocritical and call out Apple while giving a pass to everyone else with similar issues. That's the problem I'm focusing on.
The original G5 and the Rev. B ( stuck with the wonderful heat channel. The 17" models ran a lot hotter then the 20" due to the internal design and volume.
The Rev. C ( and Intel use similar internal layouts with the CPU and power supply toward the top of the machine.
Here ( is a good comparison.
Watch the WWDC keynote and note that the xserves now use Woodcrest which has a higher TDP than Conroe (95W compared to 65W). Also note what they say about Woodcrest having a better thermal environment that the G5's they were using before which were the same G5's (non-dual core) that the iMac used I believe. Conroe has better thermal characteristics than G5's, the Mac Pro and xserve prove that.
iMac will get Conroe. 2.4Ghz and 2.66Ghz. Conroe is the best value for performance processor that Intel are offering, so they need to use it SOMEWHERE in their lineup.
I gave up on running Handbrake on my MacBook of the same vintage, but only because kept loosing RAM and making it difficult to work. I started running Handbrake on the Mid 2007 Mac Mini instead.
Haven't tried on the 2010 MBP that I just got. Might have to do that and see what we get...
i also recently got 4 million points. but i think my ppd is going down. the last 2 days have been bad for me, and it's looking like it might stay that way
it took me roughly 18-19 days to go from 3 mil to 4 mil. my best yet. but 4 to 5 probably won't be any faster, but we'll see